My App Defaults 2023

Auth:青山       Date:2023/11/13       Cat:玩物志       Word:共1819字       Views:2.9K

My App Defaults 2023 - 第1张图片


On Dayu's blog, I saw an article introducing the main software of the year, which comes from a GitHub project. The project initiator will aggregate the article links and RSS feeds into an OPML file for easy subscription.

I also have similar thoughts in my outdated DigitalGarden, which is called the useful tools discovered in 2023.It can be merged, taking the opportunity to participate in the project.

My App Defaults 2023

📨 Mail Client:Mail Master 网易邮箱大师. Occasionally, I am not able to respond to emails promptly, but I am currently unable to find a suitable alternative. Please recommend one.

📮 Mail Server: Gmail, QQmail, Foxmail. I am currently not using self-hosted email services and domain email.

📝 Notes: Obsidian, flomo

To-Do: Huawei Notes on Honor 30 Pro

📷 iPhone Photo Shooting: Apple Camera on iPhone Xr, Huawei Camera on Honor 30 Pro

🟦 Photo Management: Huawei Cloud and Huawei Gallery on Honor 30 Pro, AliyunDrive

📆 Calendar: Huawei Calendar on Honor 30 Pro

📁 Cloud File Storage: Huawei Cloud on Honor 30 Pro, AliyunDrive, Baidu Netdisk

📖 RSS: FreshRSS(self-hosted) on my VPS, Reeder 5 on iPad 2021

🙍🏻‍♂️ Contacts: Huawei Contacts on Honor 30 Pro

🌐 Browser: Microsoft Edge

💬 Chat: WeChat, Telegram

🔖 Bookmarks: Raindrop, Browser

📑 Read It Later: None

📜 Word Processing: Obsidian with Markdown

📈 Spreadsheets: Microsoft Excel

📊 Presentations: Microsoft PowerPoint

🛒 Shopping Lists: None

🍴 Meal Planning: None

💰 Budgeting and Personal Finance: None

📰 News: Twitter, RSS feeds, Buzzing, Weibo

🎵 Music: NetEase Cloud Music

🎤 Podcasts: None, I currently don't have the habit of listening to podcasts.

🔐 Password Management: Bitwarden(self-hosted) on my VPS

And some extra categories not mentioned in the project:

✈️ VPN: Shadowrocket, Clash

😘 Blog Platform: WordPress on my VPS

⌨️ Text input: Weasel with rime-ice

📖 Translation app: Immersive Translate

📚 Reading app: WeRead with Z-Library

🔧 Screenshot app: ShareX, ScreenToGif

At the end

The listed software is not fixed and will be adjusted as needs evolve. I will continue documenting the main software each year and publish it in the same format on the blog to provide a reference for everyone.

本文首发于:My App Defaults 2023-印记




《My App Defaults 2023》留言数:16

  1. 印记-陈仓颉陈仓颉LV3

    Outlook is kind of a nice app as a Mail Client (for me).
    substitute -> alternative
    long-unupdated -> outdated
    HuaWei -> Huawei
    persist in -> continue
    provide reference -> provide a reference

    3楼 回复
  2. 印记-HuihuiHuihui

    对于 Windows 平台的电子邮件客户端,在试用过很多个软件后,我(目前的)选择是 Mailbird;在 macOS 和 iOS 系统上,我则主要使用 Spark 和 Apple Mail。

    4楼 回复
